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Thank you for stopping by to learn about the South 9th Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Study. The community input period was open from Oct. 8 - Oct. 22, 2024.  


The City of Walla Walla aims to address pedestrian and bicycle safety along 9th Avenue in the City of Walla Walla. The segment of 9th Avenue included in this study is from Rose Street at the northern end to Orchard Street at the southern end. 9th Avenue is a five-lane arterial with a center turn lane, continuous sidewalks, and no bicycle facilities. It passes through an urban area of Walla Walla that is characterized by commercial development throughout the entire corridor, with Garrison Middle School and the Walla Walla County Fairgrounds located at the Orchard Street intersection.

WallaWalla9thAve_Study Corridor

Project Goal and Objectives

The goal of this study is to identify bicycle and pedestrian related safety issues, develop a toolbox of pedestrian and bicycle safety solutions, and provide solution concepts at locations where safety enhancements are desirable. 

The primary objectives of this study are: 

  • Analyze 9th Avenue within the Corridor for bicycle and pedestrian safety issues and recommend solutions that will make the area safer for all users with a focus on short term actions.
  • Work with the public, stakeholders, and City staff to visualize and implement recommended improvements and strategies.

WallaWalla9thAve_Poster4_Project Schedule (1) 

How will this project be funded?

The City of Walla Walla is working with WSDOT to fund improvements for the 9th Avenue corridor through the Connecting Communities Pilot Program (CCPP). CCPP was established by WSDOT as a five-year $50 million program to create safer facilities and connections for people walking, biking, and rolling on and across current and former state highways. CCPP is designed to repair transportation inequities by directing investments to environmentally overburdened, vulnerable, and underserved communities near current and former state highways. CCPP is intended to improve access to community destinations and services, while also providing contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses (MWBEs) and community-based organizations. 

What bicycle and pedestrian-related challenges exist on South 9th Avenue?